• Motivational Work

  • Cartwheel Friendly Environment

  • Healthy Work-Life Balance

Real Quotes From Real People

  • Working at Pattern has changed my perspective on what it looks like to have a career while being a wife and mom. I get to pursue opportunities in my career while being supported by leadership in caring for my family FIRST! I am respected not in spite of but rather because I value my family's needs while still building a future in the workforce. Pattern makes me feel like I can have it all!
  • I'd describe Pattern as a very work friendly place. We all work hard, but we also play hard. Pattern definitely has the employee's best interest in mind and really tries hard to make you feel appreciated and wanted. It's a "big family" environment, and I love it!
  • The people and culture [are what makes me want to stay at Pattern.] Having coworkers who know your name and care about you, who share those same core values and goals.
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